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Soil > Ask Question to Alfie

What are organic and inorganic components of soil?
There are four types of components of soil -:
(i) Organic Components -: Organic wastes, dead animals, plants, and decomposition products. (ii) Inorganic Components -: Minerals which are derived from fragmentation and weathering of rocks. The pore spaces formed between the mineral particles of soil are filled with water and gases. (iii) Air: The air-filled pores of the soil contain the gaseous components. Nitrogen and oxygen present in the pores is generally the atmospheric air fixed by the microorganisms. (iv) Water: The soil dissolves the minerals and nutrients in the water and transports it to different parts of the plants. These are essential for the growth and development of the plant. The amount of each of the four major components of soil depends on the quantity of vegetation, soil compaction, and water present in the soil. Good, healthy soil has sufficient air, water, minerals, and organic material to promote and sustain plant life.
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